Baba Masha, [20.10.2021 21:03]
Thomas Chat
Hi all! Guy 29 years old, weight 65, height 173.
How glad I am that this healthy chat is back in action, cheers🥳
I met fly agaric a couple of years ago thanks to Thomas and Bab Masha.
Probably one of those who became interested in psychedelics for research purposes, having tried almost all known types of drugs by the age of 27, met and coped with all sorts of addictions. I studied everything, read, watched the states. All this contributed to the development of consciousness, like a defibrillator)) Perception was cleansed, awareness went, empathy increased.
Somehow, euphoretics also intervened, and by the time I realized that it was harmful, I tried fly agaric. He finally helped to get rid of addiction and understand it.
I started microdosing and the attitude and understanding of human health has changed somewhat. There's also a bit of backstory here:
- I was interested in self-development and psychology, I will tell you about one book that helped me understand the basics of psychology and the structure of human life in a more extended version. Not in advertising it is told, the book was called "Love the sickness". The author argued about a very close connection between consciousness and health, taught self-hypnosis and programming through the subconscious. Each disease had its own reason in the mind of a person. Some basics helped in knowing myself, but not all methods suited me.
So the reception of fly agaric very clearly showed how mental attitudes affect health. Empirically came to a comfortable serving, started with 3 grams came to 1 gram. Yes, of course, at first in the first week, somewhere, he threw me into a dream for a couple of hours, and felt nauseous. But with each awakening there came some kind of clarification, imperceptible yet. Then bam and suddenly, after waking up, I want to eat, from the body the response is the opposite, take this and that in the refrigerator, as the frame was shown. I wanted to do something, the thought is instantly drawn and there is less laziness, you can easily do it. And nothing disturbs, there is no mental stirrer, no internal dialogue. Concentration, attention, memory - impeccable. The dreams are fantastic, almost lucid, positive, and you wake up easily already invigorated as soon as you open your eyes. The feeling of awareness, when you feel yourself here and now, has also greatly increased. And you are happy that you feel healthy. Yes, problems are not covered up like under alcohol or something else, but on the contrary, you better understand what the reason is and find a solution more easily. Amanita helped in the process of microdosing and with colds and bronchitis and with flu and covid-diseases proceeded easier and a little faster. But I set the goal for myself exactly the one in which, as I understand it, the fly agaric is the best - this is a psychotherapeutic action. So, having cleansed myself of bad habits, I began to move on to more subtle structures of my personality, I became interested in spiritual development and meditation, work on myself. New interests appeared - outdoor activities, books, musical instruments, cooking diversified, I wanted to grow something, mushroom hunting. That is, everything that you like :) I do microdosing periodically once or twice a year and there are emergency cases. I’ve been reading the chat for a long time, I’ll give you a little advice: when taking, listen to your feelings, if something tells you to stop, if you don’t feel like it - don’t take it, it makes you sleepy - sleep, feel sick, I endure it passes. This is important enough, learn to listen to yourself and make the right choice. Be healthy and happy😊😊😊
P.S. If something is superfluous, I'm ready to correct it. 😉
Baba Masha, [20.10.2021 21:03]
Baba Masha, [20.10.2021 21:03]
Thomas Chat
Hello! Many thanks to everyone who described the history of the treatment of animals mdm, it gave an understanding of where to start. The cat is 11 years old, weight - 3 kg, preliminary Ds: neoplasm of the mammary gland (30 by 50 mm). I started treatment with a test - 1 smear of fly agaric tincture on the tumor, covered it with a cabbage leaf, fixed it, after 2 hours gave milk, then removed the bandage, the cat licked itself, for the next 3 days I did 3 smears under the cabbage leaf, yesterday was the 4th day of treatment - 5 smears and made a stencil of the tumor 30 by 50 mm, the tumor decreased slightly, by 2-3 mm, but its character changed noticeably - it became softer and, as it were, more elastic. To date, positive results of a psychological nature are observed - Murka has become less nervous and no longer takes a forced position, it has become clearly easier for her to move around. MDM has already built an approximate treatment plan, but I will act according to the situation,
Baba Masha, [20.10.2021 21:03]
Baba Masha, [20.10.2021 21:04]
Thomas Chat
Thanks to everyone who shares! I am gradually building my relationship with moss.
47 years old, 168 cm, 96 kg.
While 3 months of microdosing - clearly less brain mixer, relationship with food is changing - I eat less sweets and bread
Baba Masha, [20.10.2021 21:04]
Baba Masha, [22.10.2021 19:50]
Youtube channel: Baba Masha some kind of lyudmila bulanaya • 1 hour ago
@baba Masha Somehow, made fly agaric juice according to your recipe, froze it. I used it on the joints and after stretching (the pain disappeared in two treatments of the wrist). Experimented with a headache twice to be sure. Smeared whiskey, the pain goes away within twenty minutes
Baba Masha, [22.10.2021 19:50]
Baba Masha, [10/22/2021 19:55]
Youtube channel: Masha some kind of woman
Bonya Lapokha • 5 hours ago
And a review. Daughter 32 years old. Takes flies for 3 weeks, 1-2 r per day for 0.5-1g. For the first time, painless periods have passed. She is in shock. Ever since childhood, migraine, 2-3 times a month: vomiting, reaction to light, noise, pressure during attacks up to 180. There were no seizures after the start of taking it, it was just some kind of miracle. We'll see, I'll post back in a month.
Baba Masha, [10/22/2021 19:55]
Baba Masha, [22.10.2021 20:13]
About side effects in the form of diarrhea - the answer is: finally buy a scale and take 0.5 each. Then the effects will persist and the diarrhea will disappear 🍄🍄
Youtube channel: Masha some kind of woman
19681mik • 10 hours ago (edited)
This year my wife and I collected dried fly agarics and let's microdose, and they affect us in different ways, my wife stopped hurting an old knee injury, her sleep improved, she lost two kg of weight, she became calm like a hose, her performance, according to her words, is wild from the side effects of dry wood and diarrhea, I don’t have any manifestations, my dose is from one to six and a half grams, my wife doesn’t weigh, eats one small hat twice a day. Why do I not have manifestations of fly agaric? I will add that I am constantly under Marya Ivanovna
Baba Masha, [22.10.2021 20:13]
Baba Masha, [22.10.2021 20:31]
Personal Mache
Good afternoon my savior.
While the tincture is being prepared, I will tell you about the discovery of the action of the ointment, which is new for me. The description above (coconut oil and dry mushroom powder, a lot).
So. I ruined my hair with a perm (allegedly a bio perm). Not combed, waist length, tangled and broken. The ends were broken off in bundles. Damala that I have to do a haircut. And I always have long hair. And this is a tragedy.
Every evening, strand by strand, she began to lubricate the curls with the mixture I described. Did that for a week. And another week. The hair is as it was. Joy has no limit. Thanks to you and the mushroom there is no limit. Works. Restores the structure of the hair.
Made a cream for the face and neck. Coconut oil, oil vitamins A, B, E. Almond oil. Well, dry mushroom in powder form. I'm doing this for the second time. Result: age spots disappeared on the face; on the neck there were many, many dotted moles and many hanging small ones. Lubricated every other day on cleansed skin. For a long time. 2-3 months. Sometimes I took a break. Now the skin is clean without papillomas and pigmentation.
Working again!!!!!
Baba Masha, [22.10.2021 20:31]
Baba Masha, [22.10.2021 20:47]
Personal Mache
there is such a disease - shoulder re-orthritis .. It seems that I suffered for 3 or 4 months. I took MDM for a month and the pains disappeared .. I'm not a doctor, of course, and my conclusions are of no interest to anyone, but not a stupid person .. I can understand how I feel) How it was and how it became ..) such are these pains. And it's impossible to sleep when it hurts to lie down.
And about the pressure .. Almost 60 .. Usually 140 to 90 and sometimes less .. But 120 to 80 occasionally happens .. As the wave goes, maybe the body "like fights" with help. MDM .. What is happening inside, I don’t know ..) But ..))
Something like this..)
Baba Masha, [22.10.2021 20:47]
Fly agaric Red Ground 100 gr