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Amanita reviews

Мухомор красный
*These reviews are taken from Masha's chat for informational purposes.

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 19:49]
YouTube channel Amanita AMANITA MicroDosing. Baba Masha
Te4enie Time • 2 hours ago
My sleep has returned to normal. Haven't slept well for 5 years. I'm 35 years old. Eye dose, 1/4 dried cap in the morning. The result was from the first 3 days. A very clear result. I couldn't even believe it.

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 19:49]

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 19:53]
YouTube channel Amanita AMANITA MicroDosing. Baba Masha
Tara • 10 hours ago
Fly agaric puts me to sleep very quickly, I don’t have time to load myself with different thoughts. And the dreams are bright, with a clear scenario) In the morning there is no lethargy, a boost of energy and a desire to fly like a rocket. Immeasurable gratitude, our dear Baba Masha!!

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 19:53]

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 19:54]
YouTube channel Amanita AMANITA MicroDosing. Baba Masha From Kemerovo • 11 hours ago
I'll put in my five cents! 30 days MDM 1 tsp on an empty stomach in the morning (I dilute a little with turmeric). I let go of the joints, the general emotional state is even, there is more than enough energy for the day, sleep from 22.00 to 6.30 with sometimes lucid dreams, morning meditations become deeper, threw off a couple of kg, introduced my wife. Flight normal! The boy Alyosha is 43 years old.

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 19:54]

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 20:07]
YouTube channel Amanita AMANITA MicroDosing. Baba Masha SEmtox one • 15 hours ago
I suffer from obsessive neurosis, I eat 1.5 or 2 soft hats, just before going to bed, it relaxes me a lot, but I like it, especially after hard work and a bath ... I noticed a surge of strength, fatigue almost disappears, but I haven’t noticed a calming effect yet .. .still noticed that heartburn disappeared, even after acute .... p.s. Epifantsev says correctly, the fly agaric focuses you on something, but the trouble is that if you are in the negative, the negative also focuses ... therefore it is important to control the mood, not to let yourself lose heart and lose your temper BM———the calming effect will come as soon as you reduce the dosage to 0.5 grams

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 20:07]

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 20:08]
YouTube channel Amanita AMANITA MicroDosing. Baba Masha
akolchanov83 • 17 hours ago
my sleep has been reduced to 5-6 hours, I go to bed at 10 and at 4 I already wake up cheerful

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 20:08]

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 21:07]
Thomas Chat
I want to add about the experience of taking mhm

When he began to cancel it. I realized very clearly that without it I was more susceptible to anxiety, the influence of other people's opinions, and so on.
When I take it, it seems as if emotions are dulled, but most likely it is not. It’s just that unnecessary anxieties go away, goals become more preferences, the fear of making a mistake is greatly reduced.
And as a result, it seems like there are fewer emotions, but I think that my brain just often lives in doubts and worries, so I began to designate these emotions as a sign of a sense of life)

Indeed, under mhm, it is not uncommon to feel love for someone. So he does not dull the emotions.

Psychologically, it’s harder for me to live without him than with him)

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 21:07]

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 21:12]
Thomas Chat
Good evening all friends. I accept mdm the third week. I started doing breathing practices and the third day I wake up at 5.30 and go for a run. Fly agaric is doing its job, life is getting better.😁

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 21:12]

Баба Маша, [13.10.2021 21:43]
YouTube канал МУХОМОР AMANITA MicroDosing. баба Маша
Евгений Ак • 5 minutes ago
Совмещаю алкоголь и микродозинг - алкоголь хочется все меньше и меньше...)

Баба Маша, [13.10.2021 21:43]

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 21:43]
YouTube channel Amanita AMANITA MicroDosing. Baba Masha
Den Ef • 8 minutes ago
I drank on holidays or weekends from the age of 15, I didn’t consider myself an alcoholic, but I didn’t even imagine how it was possible to live completely dry. After the first acquaintance with the fly agaric, I quit smoking in a couple of weeks, although I just ate a mushroom leg in the forest, and six months later I realized that drinking no longer gives me pleasure. That's how Amanita got rid of two addictions. Smoking experience 25 years, alcohol 19.

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 21:43]

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 21:44]
YouTube channel Amanita AMANITA MicroDosing. Baba Masha Radiation control • 21 minutes ago
2.5 years without rocket fuel, normal flight 🚀 🍄

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 21:44]

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 21:44]
YouTube channel Amanita AMANITA MicroDosing. Baba Masha
Sergey Mak • 29 minutes ago
Removes cravings for an alcoholic mhm!

Baba Masha, [13.10.2021 21:44]

Baba Masha, [10/14/2021 7:05 AM]
YouTube channel Amanita AMANITA MicroDosing. Baba Masha Andrey F • 3 hours ago
I got drunk periodically, loved beer, sometimes I didn’t drink much every day. At the moment, the microdose is the second month, there is a habitual desire to relax with a bottle of beer, but it is no longer possible to drink, it does not climb and the effect is already unpleasant

Baba Masha, [10/14/2021 7:05 AM]

Baba Masha, [10/14/2021 04:51 PM]
Personal Mache
Maria hello. I think I’ll give you my review, and here your last topic ... is close))). I wrote a comment on YouTube, then I think I’ll duplicate it here.
You are cool...) Greetings to a man from Siberia!

Started MD at 0.7 gr., a year ago. A week later, the alcohol had gone to hell so that the perception, at the level of (sorry) shit.
EVERYTHING has changed, ABSOLUTELY! Around, inside, people, events, money, thinking... - EVERYTHING!
Clear head, no monologues, clarity of everything, self-understanding, self-respect, self-acceptance, self-love...
You don't recognize yourself in the mirror... the face is different. Calm, constant, even, confident, focused, with a slight smile... No fear. The feeling of God's aura above your head. No "ego", arrogance, pride ... Everything that prevented you from going - fell off. Feeling of lightness, flight and depth at the same time.
And I consider myself far from being an emotional person to exaggerate or embellish... 48 is coming soon.
I've never tripped with a fly agaric and don't intend to. I don’t fully know how to explain this, and how it happens at a deep level, but the fungus penetrates into the brain, into the personality itself, and brings complete fucking order there ... you really feel it, you are surprised every day ... It sets you up to the right melody, from which everything begins to settle by itself, turn out, change for the better and improve. People don't recognize you.
You start to think right. You begin to see the difference between the value of your personality, and Babylon, which surrounds you with its dead, slave system, destroying all life. You understand that all this fuss, running around, has become someone else's. No panic attacks. Without any doubts. You just enjoy the present moment. I understood everything, and began to live in a state of "now". I create the reality I want. It's cool, and damn interesting.

Baba Masha, [10/14/2021 04:51 PM]

Baba Masha, [10/14/2021 16:53]
Personal Mache
B. Masha, hello! Mom is 62 years old, oncology (stage 4 lung cancer). Parallel to chemotherapy, fly agaric took the first week 1 time per day in the morning at 0.35-0.45, then 2 times a day. During these 2 weeks of microdosing, improvements:

- Sleep improved immediately. Before the fly agaric, I got up 5 times at night, and from the first day of taking it, either does not get up at all, or once a night;
- Increased strength, energy. She used to sleep during the day, now she does not sleep;
- The neck was very swollen (lymph nodes), and with the fly agaric the swelling had almost completely subsided;
- The headaches are gone.

Continues to take 2 times a day for 0.45 gr. Fly agaric strength 💪🏻

Baba Masha, [10/14/2021 16:53]
Hats Red Amanita, 200 g
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